Why litigate your family law matter when you can mediate?

Why litigate your family law matter when you can mediate? Sorting out the division of property/debts and resolving ongoing care arrangements for children is often very problematic at the end of a relationship. If the couple cannot agree, they have...

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How Long Does It Take?

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the shortest war in history occurred in Zanzibar in 1896. Hostilities were called off after 45 minutes when three British war ships showed up! The longest war lasted 116 years between...

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The Nature of the Beast

In the hands of an experienced cattleman, a bull, resisting a lead from the head, can usually be steered more effectively by holding and turning its tail. Deploying the same tactic for a troublesome horse however, is most likely...

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1. What is a mediation and what issues can it be used to resolve? Although mediations take many different configurations, in each case they are basically at their core a conference between two parties in an attempt to resolve (settle)...

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